
Tracking the rehabilitation of Frame Lake, Yellowknife

Can aeration make the reintroduction of fish to Frame Lake possible? We are examining the effects on water quality and the aquatic food web.

Impacts of road dust on Arctic lakes

How do gravel roads in Canada's north affect water quality and zooplankton in small lakes?

Can zooplankton keep up with climate-driven salinity change in Great Plains' lakes?

Climate change may lead to increasing salinity levels in lakes on the Great Plains. Can zooplankton communities keep up with these changes?

How do forest fires impact subarctic lakes?

Forest fires are increasing in frequency and severity. How do they impact water quality and invertebrates in boreal lakes?

How will invertebrates in small Arctic lakes respond to water quality changes due to permafrost thaw?

Arctic lakes will be affected by water quality changes caused by peramfrost thaw. How will this affect invertebrate communities?

How will fish in Arctic lakes respond to climate change?

Arctic lakes will be affected by rising temperatures and changes due to peramfrost thaw. How will this affect fish communities?

Can disperal buffer against zooplankton community changes in Great Plains' lakes?

Climate change may lead to increasing salinity levels in lakes on the Great Plains. Could dispersal of salinity-tolerant individuals among lakes help reduce changes?