
Abbe Binning (MSc, 2025)

Intraspecific variation in salinity tolerance of zooplankton from lakes on the Great Plains

Vivian Gao (MES, 2024)

Impacts of road development on water quality and macroinvertebrates in northern lakes

Nicole Andreola (MSc, 2024)

Examining changes in water quality and plankton in response to aerator installation in Frame Lake, Northwest Territories

Madeline Patenall (Honours thesis, 2023)

Relationship between water quality and rotifer communities in Frame Lake, Yellowknife

Layana Khan (Honours thesis, 2023)

Intraspecific variation in salinity tolerance of Daphnia

Caitlyn Rix (Honours thesis, 2022)

Effects of road dust pollution on cladoceran communities in Arctic lakes

Natasha Hannan (MSc, 2022)

Impacts of road development on water quality and zooplankton in northern lakes

Victoria Goodfellow (Honours thesis, 2021)

Relationships of midges to environmental gradients in Arctic lakes

Mariam Elmarsafy (MSc, 2020)

Evolution of salinity tolerance in zooplankton on the Great Plains of North America

Matthew Chanyi (Honours thesis, 2020)

Comparison of zooplankton communities in wildfire disturbed and reference lakes in the Sahtu Settlement Area.